The First Lesson

Do you recall learning about the female and male anatomy?

I do.

I was roughly about 9-10, and started my cycle.

Like most parents who want to shield their children from the horrors of reality, my mother was very protective and adamant about what I was and wasn’t exposed to. I couldn’t listen to R&B or any music that referenced sex or making love. I even remember in the 5th grade,  when my cycle began, she took me through a little red pamphlet. You know the little pamphlets that they give out at your local health department?

Well, this particular pamphlet that we went through explained the female and male anatomy. When my mother explained to me the female anatomy, she skipped the part of the male anatomy that followed. So, needless to say, until I lost my virginity, I really had no clue as to what  sex or the “penis” could or should actually do. I just knew  that I shouldn’t necessarily worry about finding out, I should just be obedient.

I lost my virginity at the age of thirteen, the month of February, the year of 1999.

I lost my virginity and I did not know about my vagina, the pleasure it provides, proper arousal, forbidden usages, etc. until - well...I'm likely still learning to be honest. Like many of my peers, I learned an extremely perverted version of sex and it wasn't corrected until much of my latter adulthood. Now, granted - I was thirteen, I shouldn't have known necessarily how to use my body to enjoy sex...

or should I have?

Many of the issues I see in our community begin with sex and end with man, woman, and child - figuring things out. What I have realized is that, we are all trying to live and be versions of ourselves many had no direction to be!

That's where this course comes in - hoping simply to be the change that I want to see!

Naked & Unashamed is a course based off of the teen title, "Naked & Unashamed." The book (and course) will take each young lady through a journey of understanding her PURE self - without sabotage of a perverted community.

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